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947 entries.
Elizabeth Wilson from Fairfax wrote on February 6, 2025
Mr. Coville,
I recall discovering your books as early as second grade, when Into The Land of the Unicorns was exactly what my young heart loved reading. Over the years I've enjoyed your Nina Tanleven books, Jennifer Murdley's Toad, Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, and many many more.

Since The Unicorn Chronicles has always been a favorite, I've enjoyed reading the sequels as you've published them over the years (The Last Hunt came out when I was getting close to finishing my Ph.D 🙂 ) I, too, was disappointed not to have matching copies, and thrilled when I found your new editions of the story. I've ordered my copy and am very much looking forward to a reread, and displaying them proudly on my shelf.
I'm also excited to introduce my nieces to these books - Cara is a heroine I'd love for them to meet and Luster is a magical world I'm sure they'll love.
With much gratitude,
Elizabeth Saltmarsh Wilson
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Elizabeth -

Many thanks for this lovely message. The Unicorn Chronicles turned out to be a much vaster project than I had envisioned when I first started working on the series. (It seems to have become my Magnum Opus! ;>)

Your enduring love of the series means a great deal to me. I hope your nieces will enjoy the books as much as you have!

All good wishes,
Carolyn Kester from West Des Moines wrote on January 16, 2025
Hello, Mr. Coville!
I've been a fan for ages, but have never found your delightful website until today. Though I've read many of your books, the "Aliens Ate My Homework" series will forever be my favorite. I can still picture myself in 3rd grade, finding them on the library shelf, and subsequently checking them out many times. In high school I spent hours recording my own audiobook of the first installment, and just gifted myself a new boxed set this past Christmas. (I wanted to re-read the rest of the series, and was dismayed to discover that NONE of the nearby libraries had them! Some good came of my search, however, as their catalog introduced me to your work with audiobooks, and I enjoyed both an old favorite, "Half Magic," and discovered a new one: "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel." The Full Cast model is such a great idea!) In short, thank you for the part you have played in both infusing my childhood with imagination, and continuing to inspire me now as an adult. I have 2 young boys, and I can't wait to share Rod's adventures-- and many others!-- with them when they are ready.
Best wishes,
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Carolyn -

Many thanks for this. I love hearing from folks like you, who have carried a love for my books into adulthood with them.

Also glad that you enjoyed the Full Cast Audio productions. I somewhat short-circuited my writing career by diverting so much time to audio production, so it's good to know that people are listening. I have a special fondness for HALF MAGIC because (1) I loved it as a kid and (2) it was the only time I got to play the romantic lead!

All best,
Fiona Marr from Wabash wrote on January 12, 2025
Hi Mr. Coville!

I have super fond memories of the Nina Tanleven series. I went hunting for the books recently, and was so sad to see that there weren't many entries in the series. Have you ever considered bringing the series back?

Thank you so much for writing books that kept the desire to read burning in my mind. I can't wait to share the Nina Tanleven series with my nieces!

- Fiona
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Fiona -

What a timely message! I started a fourth Nina Tanleven book about 25 years ago, but was never able to crack the plot, despite having written nearly half of it. Just about a month ago a friend challenged me to finish it, so I dug into my files and found what I had already written. To my happy surprise, it was pretty good. So I have made it a mission to complete the thing and send it out. I don't know if I can get a publisher to bite on a new book for a series that's 30 years old, but I am going to give it a shot! Thanks for confirming that this is a good idea!

Katlin Moore from Ypsilanti wrote on September 6, 2024
Hi Mr. Coville,
This is Mrs. Moore's 5th-grade class from Ypsilanti, Michigan. We just started reading your book, My Teacher is an Alien, and we like it so far. We will ask our librarian to add more of your books to our school library. Thank you for writing books for us!

Mrs. Moore's Students
Reply by Bruce Coville
Ahoy Mrs. Moore's 5th Grade!

I'm delighted to know that you are reading - and enjoying! - MY TEACHER IS AN ALIEN. I am highly in favor of your plan to ask your librarian to get more of my books for the library! ;>

I hope you will enjoy the rest of MY TEACHER IS AN ALIEN. I had a lot of fun writing that book!

your friend,
Matthew Guerrero from Chicago wrote on July 19, 2024
Dear Mr. Coville.
      I hope this message finds you well. I'm a library worker currently employed by the Chicago Public Library. I want to take this opportunity to reach out to you and express my admiration, appreciation, and gratitude.

      When I was a kid in the 90's growing up on the southside of Chicago I simply could not get enough of your books. On the not uncommon occasion that my sisters and I restrained ourselves from name calling, hairpulling, or other activities that children excel at for an extended period of time, my parents would reward our good behavior with trips to the library. I'm a voracious reader now, but back when we first started going to the library I had a hard time reading. Even so, I still loved stories. I'd rush over to the Children's section and make a beeline to the little wooden shelf that held the Library's collection of books on cassette. There, time after time, I'd find the white clamshell case with the bright yellow label and an enormous green monster that was my favorite thing in world; "Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters".

      Mr. Coville, I must have checked those tapes out dozens of times over the years. I would listen to you, Joe R. Lansdale, Jane Yolen and every other author in your "living anthology" when it was my turn on the radio on stormy nights when I wanted to dream of Always October. On family vacations to the woods of Wisconsin I'd convince myself that I'd stumble upon Duffy's jacket around every tree. My sisters, on the other hand, might have preferred if we'd spent less time hearing about Bloody Mary, but you and I know there's nothing like a good story with a good monster.

      As I got older and reading grew exponentially easier, your books became constant companions. Each new school year I'd find a new homeroom with a new homeroom library. And on those library shelves? There was always another well loved Bruce Coville adventure waiting for me. From The Monster's Ring to My Teacher Flunked the Planet, every Bruce Coville novel I found opened up my imagination to exciting views of a strange and wondrous world. And whenever I'd find one of your "Book Ofs", oh boy, it felt like Christmas, Halloween, and my birthday all rolled into one.

      I've been working with Chicago Public Library for almost a year now. In that time I've found life in the Library to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my own. I feel more connected to my community than ever before, and I'm proud of all the chances I've gotten to share the resources and wonders of the Library with my neighbors. One of the benefits of the job I didn't anticipate is the vicarious thrill I get every time I check out one of your books to a brave young reader. Mr. Coville, I am happy to report that your books are still circulating and still inspiring the imaginations of young readers.

      As I approach the end of my first year as a Library worker, I've been taking the opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who've made a positive impact on my life. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Mr. Coville. Thank you for your Monsters, thank you for your Aliens, thank you for your fantastic worlds. Thank you for the hours of joy, wonder, and excitement. It's been a pleasure to grow up reading your books, and I'm so excited to share them with new readers for years to come.
      May this message find you and your family in a moment of peace and prosperity,
Amanda from Smithfield, RI wrote on May 22, 2024
Hey Bruce. I am one of your fans of into the land of the unicorns from a long time ago. I was in middle school when I read the first book and I’m 40 this year so it’s been a while. I still love that series and managed to get all the hardcovers for the books, except the first one because I think you told me it never went to hardcover. I lived in Warwick, RI when I signed your guestbook before.

I just saw the rainbow edition of the series but the titles of the books I don’t recognize. If it was explained somewhere I apologize. What is this rainbow edition, besides the colors of the books ?🤔😄
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Amanda -

Nice to hear from you. There was a hardcover edition of the first book, though that is no longer in print.

It was the 4th book that became a real problem because Scholastic never issued it in paperback. So there were only about 17,000 copies of the book in the whole world - the final part of a story that started with a book that had sold over a million copies. It was just crazy not to put it in paperback.

Eventually I got the rights to the entire series back. When I hired a designer to help with republishing them, she suggested we split up the third and fourth books (DARK WHISPERS and THE LAST HUNT) because they were so ridiculously long compared to the first book. So we cut DW in half, and divided LAST HUNT into four parts. This required some rewriting and I added some additional chapters, but the basic story remains as it was told. The Rainbow Edition is that seven volume set. It worked out well because the Rainbow Prison is an important part of the story.

All best,
Karen Heasley from Meridian wrote on May 14, 2024
Dear Mr. Coville,
My sister is almost five years older than I am, and as kids, we didn’t interact much…unless we were fighting. But for some reason, she picked up Goblins in the Castle and read it to me. She made up special voices for each character, and brought your book to life. After that, I did my best to hunt down as many of your books as I could find at my library, and each one I found took me on the best adventures. As I finished reading Goblins in the Castle to my daughters tonight, I just felt so much gratitude to you for sharing your stories and creating such wonderful worlds. Thank you for the work you (and your wife) have put in over the years, and thank you for the happy and tender memories your books have given me. I am looking forward to sharing more of your stories with my kids!

Wishing you the very best,
Karen Heasley
Reply by Bruce Coville
Karen - Thank you so much for this lovely message! The fact that GOBLINS created such a link between you and your sister, and you are now sharing that same book with your daughters fills me with delight! Please tell your sister and your daughters that I said "Hello!" and that Igor says "BOP!"


Patricia from Houston wrote on May 8, 2024
I’ve been a huge fan of your books for over twenty years. The magic that I grew up with as a child is still just as amazing and wonderful every time I read your books as an adult. I have the best memories of sitting in my public library reading all of your books. I can’t wait to introduce my daughters to your amazing world of wonder. Thank you for enriching my childhood and my imagination.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Patricia -

Thanks for this message. One of the best things about being around as long as I have is becoming a "two-generation author." As someone who loved reading to his kids when I was a young father, I love knowing that other parents are now using my own books in the same way!

Julianna Jennings wrote on May 1, 2024
I am a huge fan. Your stories give me so much excitement, half the time I can't put them down. My favorite series is The Unicorn Chronicles. When I am reading it, I feel like I'm in Luster. I can't wait to read more of your books. - Julianna
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Julianna -

Thanks for this wonderful message. It thrills me to know that when you're reading the books you feel as if you are IN Luster. That was exactly the kind of experience I was trying to give my readers, as it was my own favorite feeling when I was reading fantasy novels myself!

seo service UK from dqwedq wrote on March 2, 2024
I wish more authors of this type of content would take the time you did to research and write so well. I am very impressed with your vision and insight.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Thank you - I appreciate the kind words!