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I’m always eager to read your comments about my books and stories, so please feel free to pitch in. Here are a few things for you to know:

1) I answer the messages here personally.

2) No message shows up here until I actually answer it to prevent spam and other inappropriate postings. So there will sometimes be a delay before your message posts, especially if I am traveling.

3) Teachers, a gentle request: Please do not have multiple children send me variants of the same message. A group email is much easier to respond to and not such a drain on my time. My thanks in advance for being alert to this.

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938 entries.
Darcy Philip from Pennsylvania USA wrote on February 19, 2017
Hi Bruce! I am an aspiring first time author. My first novel, "Roomies," is about two teenage boys who have fallen in love with one another and endure the challenges of a long distance relationship and separation since one of the boy's, Eli, attends his first year of boarding school. I was wondering who you may recommend for me to send my manuscript ... publisher, agent, editor??? The novel may appeal to the LGBT community, and parents, teens, young adults interested in first time gay relationships and boarding school life. It reads theatrically, and would be amazing in "Full Cast Audio" format!!! Thank you so much for whatever advice you may be able to offer. I am greatly appreciative!!!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Darcy -

An agent is useful and wise at this point in your career. Alas, I do not know an agent who is specifically gay friendly. I can, however, suggest David Gale at Simon & Schuster as a sympathetic editor.

That said, I must be clear that (since I have not read the manuscript) this does not mean that you can use me as an endorsement. But David is a brilliant editor who has published numerous LBGT stories.

Tara Schroth from Fairport, NY USA wrote on February 18, 2017
Hi Mr. Coville,
I'm a junior in high school and I used to absolutely adore your books. I have you to thank for my undying love of science fiction. Six years ago, you visited my elementary school and I had made a post like this one on your website, and you said you'd be glad to talk to me after your presentation. I was super excited, but I chickened out. I never got to meet you and I was so mad at myself. Even today, when I'm no longer reading your books, I still regret the actions of my younger self. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for helping to make my childhood great and inspiring my love for reading!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Tara -

Thanks for this message. I take great pride in the thought that I helped instill your love of science fiction. (I just got back from the Boston SF convention, called BOSKONE)

I'm sorry you didn't follow through on that chance to talk to me after my visit. It is a truth of my own life that I regret much more the things I failed to try than the things where I tried and failed.

But guess what? Odds are good that I'm coming to Fairport Elementary again this spring!

A second chance?

All best,

Jessica from Bridgewater, MA USA wrote on February 16, 2017
I wrote you in late Jan, and I kept meaning to return after reading your reply. But alas as road leads on to road, I got a little lost. I keep thinking about one of the reasons for why you haven't yet done the remaining two books in the Circle Opens series by Tamora Pierce. You said finances were an issue, as I am sure they are with any collaborative issue. Have you ever thought to do crowd sourcing? I know there are so many silly things that people start Go Fund Me pages for that they get nothing back from. Having fans give a donation for the project may help get the word out about it as well as provide additional funding. And at then end of it all there is an audiobook to purchase. 😀
I can't offer a solution for the lack of time. And unless you want to come to MA and meet all my actor friends, I've no solution for the talent problem either. But hey 1 out of 3 ain't bad.
I do hope it remains on the back burner and at some point is produce, by you, not someone else.
You and your cast do have a talent for reading aloud. It is something not everyone has. It is also something no one teaches anymore. I make every single student I have read passages aloud in class because it is a dying art. I have several audiobooks unfinished because the narration was like listening to a drunken squirrel. You can tell you and you cast put passion and effort into the work you do.
It is such a pleasure to listen to your works.
Thanks you.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Jessica -

Thanks for this. If we ever do record the remaining two CIRCLE OPENS books, it will almost undoubted by via crowd sourcing.

I'm kvelling from your comments about our recordings. The way we work quadruples the time spent in the studio, and probably triples the work for the engineers. But that's how we get the sound we are after, and it's why it makes me so happy to get comments like yours.

And good on you for working on reading aloud with your students!!

All best

Zach Talon from Sewell, New Jersey USA wrote on February 8, 2017
Hi Mr. Coville,
I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to look at a couple of books that I am writing, and give me advice. They are not done yet, so it would have to wait until they are done, but once they are, would you be willing to look at them?
Also, I was wondering if you had any advice about how to get my stories published.
Lastly, I'm doing a research paper on you for my English class, and I wanted to know if you could help me out with it.
Zach Talon
(that's my pen name, not my real name...)
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Zach -

I'm sorry, but it's not possible for me to look at works in progress. I get a lot of request for this kind of feedback, and if I started to agree it would be literally all that I do!

The best one stop spot for learning how to get work for young readers published is the SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators). I serve on their board of advisors because I think they do such good work. Go to scbwi.org for more information.

Matt wrote on February 5, 2017
Hi Bruce!
I just read Hillbilly Elegy and I noticed that the author names Space Brat as one of the first books he read! It really made me smile to see that he paid homage to my favorite childhood author in his memoir, so I thought I'd bring it to your attention, in case you didn't know. I hope you're well! At 26, your books still have places of honor on my shelf (in my first real apartment).
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hey, Matt -

Thanks for this! I am amazed and delighted to have been cited in HILLBILLY ELEGY, which (from what I have read) is a very important book. Thanks for calling this to my attention.

I am indeed well, still at it and writing away. I am honored to know that my books still have a place of importance on your shelves! (And congrats on having your first real apartment!)

Gabby from Elkhart, Texas USA wrote on February 3, 2017
Hi again I am mailing my book to you it might be on Sunday though i was wondering what is your inspiration for your unicorn writing
Love your friend
P.s same person who emailed you yesterday.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Gabby -

I have loved the idea of unicorns for as long as I can remember, imagined them, dreamed of glimpsing one, or even better, befriending it. I know that I am not alone in this. Wherever I go I meet fellow unicorn lovers.

Actually I wrote my first unicorn story (SARAH'S UNICORN, a picture book) because my wife asked me to!

Megan from Lakewood, Ohio USA wrote on February 2, 2017
Hi Bruce! My 11 year old daughter just chose Into the Land of Unicorns as the fantasy book she needed to read for 5th grade. I too read this book in 5th grade and I'm so excited to share it with her. She is reading it aloud to me and I can tell she is really into it. Thank you for giving us a great way o bond. - Megan
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Megan -

What a lovely message. Getting older is not the greatest thing in the world (Harumph!) But I am totally loving becoming a two generation author. Knowing that your daughter is loving this book at the same age you did truly fills me with delight!

Thanks for sharing this with me.

Gabby from Elkhart, Texas USA wrote on February 2, 2017
Hey Bruce I texted you yesterday and I just wanted to say I'm writing my own unicorn book it's called Unicorns Glory when I'm done I will give it to you even though I'm only 10 and thank you so much for giving me a chance to send you my book for you to sign and I am the girl who emailed you yesterday named gabby I love your writing.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Gabby -

Yep, I remember you! Are you mailing your book to me?

I think it is exciting that you are writing your own book!

Gabby from Elkhart, Texas USA wrote on February 1, 2017
Hi Bruce coville I LOVED your into the land of the unicorn series 🦄 I just finished it my teacher mrs sizemore has a copy of a signed book of your last book of into the land of the unicorn The Last Hunt and I was wondering if you have wrote any more unicorn books and if you could it would be a dream of mine for you to sign my book I was also wondering how you could if you did you don't have to but it would be my biggest dream in the whole world if you did I love your books have a wonderful Day
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Gabby -

I am so happy that you LOVED the unicorn series!

In addition to the four books of the Unicorn Chronicles, I have edited two collections of unicorn stories: THE UNICORN TREASURY and A GLORY OF UNICORNS. Each one has a unicorn story by me, as well as stories by many other authors.

If you want to send your book to me I will be happy to sign it for you. However you must also send a stamped, self-addressed envelope that I can use to return it. You can find my address on the contact page of the website.

Thank you for being such a faithful reader!!

Maria from Miami, Florida USA wrote on January 25, 2017
Hi mr. bruce my name is maria and i will be 9 years old tomorrow. I love your alien and unicorn books. Though i am told i am wierd cus i am a girl and alien is for boys. I have a question and i hope you can help. Though mom says you cant but she always told me it never hurts to ask. I was wondering if there is another way to get your voice books on unicorns. I was to have them for my birthday tomorrow but that was before daddy went to heaven Mommy says she cant pay them now since we have to move in with nana and pappi who live in washington and we live in florida mom says we are driving that will take years. I was hoping to supise her if i could get the voice maybe then she will smile like she use to instead of crying all the time since like me she grew up on the unicorns and i want to see her happy again i would gladly trade my cake and books and my few presents i see wrapped for those voice books do you like ice cream cake?
O before i forget why are your voice books so pricy mom says your 4th book costs almost 5 times what your first unicorn voice book costs. While the other 2 our double the price of your first at least thats what the phone store says. Mom didnt even know there was a 4th book
Thank you mr bruce
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Maria -

First off, no one has the right to tell you what is weird for you to read! Heck, MY TEACHER IS AN ALIEN is told first person by a girl named Susan Simmons. I think you should read whatever you want!

I am sorry that I can't get you the voice books (we use the term "audiobooks") - certainly not in time for your birthday. We no longer make the CDs here.

However I can tell you some good news. IF you can play an MP3-CD, even the fourth book (which cost so much as a "voice book" because it is four times as long as the first book - 15 hours!) is not nearly as expensive as your Mom thinks. You can get it on Amazon for only $17! And the first book in the series is only $10.

I hope you had a Very Happy Birthday! Good luck on your trip to Washington. Safe travels!!

Your friend,

Bruce Coville