Welcome to the Guestbook!

I’m always eager to read your comments about my books and stories, so please feel free to pitch in. Here are a few things for you to know:

1) I answer the messages here personally.

2) No message shows up here until I actually answer it to prevent spam and other inappropriate postings. So there will sometimes be a delay before your message posts, especially if I am traveling.

3) Teachers, a gentle request: Please do not have multiple children send me variants of the same message. A group email is much easier to respond to and not such a drain on my time. My thanks in advance for being alert to this.

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941 entries.
Rory from Chapel Hill, NC USA wrote on August 9, 2013
Dear Bruce Coville,
I am one of your fans. My favorite book you wrote was Always October. I liked how I got scared sometimes and I like how it is also touching at some places in the book. I also like the cover of the book.
One of the reasons Im writing to you is if maybe you can write a sequel. It could be about 12 years later, Jacobs family is almost perfect but one thing, Jacob is about to turn 21 and he has not seen Lily since she moved to go live with her aunt after her grandfather passed away. LD has turned 13 and would like to meet Lily, since he was only a baby when he last saw her. Lily said she would keep in contact but she never did. So the story could be about dad, LD, and Jacob and their journey to find Lily. One thing they end up finding out is that Mazrak, who made a new portal that let him go to Humana any time he wanted, took Lily to Always October. Jacob ends up finding that he loves Lily. But this is all only if you wont to.
Maybe you could make up the rest, if you do write it.
Your biggest p.s. please right back 🙂 fan,
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Rory -

Thanks for writing to me about ALWAYS OCTOBER. The book is fairly new, and only available in hardcover right now, so I haven't had too many messages about it yet. (That usually happens after a book goes into paperback.) I'm glad you liked the story - and also the cover. I can't any credit for the cover art, of course, but I can tell you I was thrilled when I saw it. I think it's just terrific!

Your idea for a sequel is very interesting, and a bit unusual, since most sequels follow closer on to the original story. I would have to change things around to make that work, though, as books for young readers rarely, if ever, have adults as the main characters. But it might work if Little Dumpling was the main character. That's kind of an interesting thought!

Thanks for taking the time to write to me!

Shaindy from Edmonton, Alberta Canada wrote on July 31, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
I just wanted to thank you (and the artists you've worked with) so much for the beautifully written Shakespeare adaptations. I just read The Tempest this evening with my six-year old son, and he loved it, as he did Macbeth, Twelfth Night and A Winter's Tale. We have Hamlet ready to go next. When I told him earlier in the week that we were picking up another book at the library for him, he asked which one and when I told him it was another Shakespeare book, his response was 'Ooh, Shakespeare!' 🙂 I hope more kids and parents discover your books so that when they come upon the plays in later years they won't be put off by the language, having had a taste of it in your books.
However, I do have to tell you that he's rather disappointed you haven't written a version of Julius Caesar (he's a touch obsessed with Caesar ever since we read about him in our history book). So if you'd get on that, we'd appreciate it. 😀 (In all seriousness, I very much hope you write more Shakespearean adaptations - they're absolutely wonderful for both kids and parents.)
Warmest regards,
Shaindy Lander
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Shaindy -

Thank you for this lovely message. I cannot tell you how much I have loved doing the Shakespeare adaptations. Alas, the publisher has decided not to do any more, and has let a number of them fall out of print.

It would have been grand to do "Julius Caesar" though next on my own list of preferred titles was "As You Like It".

I can't complain, really. Getting to do these books, even one of them, was a rare gift. Given the fact that I had the chance to do seven, I have to consider myself well blessed.

I'm glad you and your son are enjoying them!

All best,

Lilietta from USA wrote on July 28, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
I have read the Unicorn Chronicles series and I am interested in what the "Song of the Wanderer" sounds like. Is there any way I can listen to it? I have already looked on Google and they show nothing about the song. I congratulate you on another series well done. I wish I could meet you someday!!!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Lilietta -

Thanks for this message - I'm delighted that you have enjoyed the Unicorn Chronicles.

We had music composed for "The Song of the Wanderer" when we produced the audiobook version, and you can hear it sung in full at the end of that recording. You might ask your school or public library if they have the recording or can get it for you.

All best,

Shelli-Jo Pelletier from USA wrote on July 26, 2013
Oh goodness, I'm so sorry! I just checked your guestbook and saw my entry from the other day--I accidentally wrote that Almost October won the award, when I meant to say that it got on the list. I am positively burning with embarrassed for such a slip up, and to one of my idols to boot! Please accept my sincere apologies.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Shelli-Jo -

No apologies needed. I went to the website and got the scoop, and I am very glad simply to know that the book was nominated. I would not have known had you not told me, so it's very much appreciated.

All best,

Chrissy from NYC, USA wrote on July 25, 2013
I check the guestbook on a regular basis to see if there are any new posts.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Got it. So it was good timing. I tend to answer in bursts, especially when I am traveling . . . that is, the messages will build up for a while, and then I try to answer several all at once.

Shelli-Jo Pelletier from Waterboro, ME USA wrote on July 24, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
Good afternoon! I've met you twice so far at the Boskone literary convention held in Boston in years past, and was sad that I didn't see you or your booth at the one this last February. I love the sense of humor and fun you bring to the panels there, and it's always nice to see my favorite author 'in the flesh.' 🙂
But the purpose of this message was that I wanted to say congratulations! I was walking through my local Barnes & Noble yesterday and stopped to admire a display of books, where Almost October was prominently displayed, and to my surprise the employee for that section approached me and said that these books had won the Maine Student Book Award for 2013! I'm so excited that your most recent book was recognized! I found this link online: msba.umeedu.maine.edu
I told the employee that I had had no idea about the award, and she lamented that they didn't have a sign to put with the display since it was a local award and Corporate didn't provide those, and she then walked off muttering to herself about making one up herself so I do hope it got on the display eventually.
Congratulations from one of your very long time fans! I've been reading your work since 5th Grade and continue to aspire to write and touch as many children as you have.
Sincerely, Shelli
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Shelli-Jo -

I was really sorry to miss Boskone this year - first time I haven't been in almost a quarter of a century. But I had a chance to make a speaking trip through Africa, and it was just too good to give up.

Many thanks for the good news from Maine! I had no idea ALWAYS OCTOBER was on the list for that award. I really appreciate you telling me!

Good luck with your own writing!

all best,

Chrissy from NY, USA wrote on July 24, 2013
Epic wasn't as good as the similar themed Ferngully...but yes I think you should see it.
In another guestbook entry you said you are going to work on another book...does that mean you are done with the Goblins sequel?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Chrissy -

Wow, that was fast. I don't have your email, so you don't get notifications when I post a response (or do you?) Do you monitor the guestbook regularly, or was that just a coincidence? (Not a big issue, just curious.)

Anyway, I am still working on the GOBLIN revisions, but have begun the planning for the next book . . . actually, have about 50 pages written, which I did while I was waiting for the editorial letter on the first pass of GOBLINS.

lt from USA wrote on July 22, 2013
hi, can you please write more myth based books? like thor's wedding day. also can you just write more magic shop books? can juliet dove go back?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, It -

I'm soon starting a book that is not myth based, but that will draw on a lot of folklore and legend. I hope that will satisfy!

No more Magic Shop books for now, alas.

Dan O'Neil & Cheryl O'Neil from Napanee, Ontario Canada wrote on July 17, 2013
Hi Bruce
Just wanted say thank you for signing a copy of your book and sending it to us we met back in the 80's at Buckshot Lake we still have the book although name escapes me at this moment.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Dan and Cheryl -

Wow! That's going back some. I'm delighted you still remember.

We'll be heading back to Buckshot Lake later this summer. It's pretty much my favorite place in the world.

All best,

christina vetere from USA wrote on July 11, 2013
I LOVE you books. I have been reading them since I was a kid, and being deslexic readiness was always hard. I just finished always october and was hoping that you would write a sequel.
Please keep writing!! Your fan,
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Christina -

Many thanks for this message. I'm so glad you liked ALWAYS OCTOBER! It was a hard one to write, but once I was done I was so pleased with it. Thing is, it doesn't make that much difference how I feel about it . . . the important thing is how readers feel!

A sequel is unlikely, alas, as the publisher dumped me earlier this year and I have moved on to work somewhere else. Such is the nature of publishing . . .

Happily, I am very pleased with my new home, and hope to be doing some good work there!

With all good wishes,