Welcome to the Guestbook!

I’m always eager to read your comments about my books and stories, so please feel free to pitch in. Here are a few things for you to know:

1) I answer the messages here personally.

2) No message shows up here until I actually answer it to prevent spam and other inappropriate postings. So there will sometimes be a delay before your message posts, especially if I am traveling.

3) Teachers, a gentle request: Please do not have multiple children send me variants of the same message. A group email is much easier to respond to and not such a drain on my time. My thanks in advance for being alert to this.

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938 entries.
Tiffany from USA wrote on July 3, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
I think I was in about third or fourth grade when I found Into the Land of the Unicorns, at a book fair, and begged my mom to get it for me. It has been one of my favorite books ever since. Im now about to turn 26 and the Unicorn Chronicles is still the first thing I mention any time a discussion about the fantasy genre comes up.
Im currently in college, majoring in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing, and I hope to write professionally after I graduate. Many different things inspired me to choose that major, but looking back at it now, Into the Land of the Unicorns, was the first book I can remember reading that left me thinking, I want to write like that! So, I wanted to say thank you. 🙂
I really enjoy your writing. Its so powerful, has such a wonderful mixture of humor and angst, and the descriptions are amazing. I also wanted to pass along something I thought you might appreciate.
When I was in elementary school, I had to get allergy shots every week, one in each arm. As a distraction, my mom would read out loud to me while we waited. One week, we happened to be in the middle of Into the Land of the Unicorns. I was totally absorbed in listening to the story until I realized how quiet the waiting room had gotten. We werent alone, I realized when I looked up. Its just that the receptionist, one or two of the nurses, and the teenage boy sitting across from us had all stopped to listen to the story as well. I can imagine they were all pretty disappointed when we had to leave.
Thank you again for your wonderful books, and many, many hours of enjoyment.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Tiffany -

Given how long it's been since you signed the guestbook, I suspect you'll be quite startled to get this response. (I hope it actually does reach you!)

First off, my apologies for the ridiculous delay in getting back to you. The Guestbook gets away from me on a regular basis and as I fall further and further behind it gets harder and harder to get caught up. (We've also had a lot of technical problems with it over the last couple of years.)

Okay, with that out of the way, I'm thoroughly delighted to know how much the Unicorn Chronicles meant to you. I especially appreciated the "I want to write like that!" comment, as it was a similar feeling about the books I loved in my early teens that helped lead me to this profession.

And I loved, completely loved, your story about the silence in the waiting room while your mother was reading aloud to you! Thanks for sharing that!

Jim Whittaker from Vernon, NY USA wrote on July 1, 2013
Just a note to say hi to you and Kathy after so many years.Just tell Kathy that Frank Butler said, hi.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hey, Jim -

What a lovely surprise to hear from you! Will pass your greetings on to Kathy.

Ginny from USA wrote on June 30, 2013
Hi Mr. Coville I don't think you remember but when you came to my elementary school, Oak Street, in 2008 I was sick so I signed the guestbook. I still love your books, great work. I need some advice. I know you're not supposed to comment on stories but I've been writing one that's been getting a lot of positive feedback and my mom thinks I should talk to a publisher. Should I go ahead with her idea? I'm a bit skeptical. Thanks.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Ginny -

Nice to hear from you! It's hard to answer your question without more information. You say that you've been writing a story, but I'm not clear if you mean that it is a book, or something that would make sense in a magazine. Those would be two very different things.

One doesn't generally get to "talk to" a publisher. Basically you send in your manuscript and then wait for about a billion years (okay, not that long, but it feels like it) to get a response. It is VERY important to research publishers and carefully choose where to send your work, whether a story or a book length manuscript.

Here's the most important rule: money flows from the publisher to the writer. If a publishers asks you for money, turn and run in the other direction.

Good luck!

Renee from USA wrote on June 25, 2013
Hello my name is Renee and I am writing a story and I want you to read it, what is your email address?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Renee -

I'm very sorry, but I am not able to read and comment on stories.

Courtney B. from Philadelphia, PA USA wrote on June 25, 2013
Hello, Bruce! My name is Courtney and I'm 24 years old. I just wanted to write and thank you for your books. I always appreciated, even as a kid, the fact that you didn't seem to "talk down" to your readers the way that some YA writers do. I was a very introverted kid (and adult, if I'm being honest) and I feel as though your books really helped me to feel like a part of something bigger at a time when I felt quite by myself. The "My Teacher" series in particular made a very big impact on how I view the world now as an adult and my appreciation for the world around me is in part due to you. As well as my love of sci-fi and fantasy, which your novels opened the door to for me. I just wanted to let you know that your work really did make an impact on a lonely middle schooler years ago. Thank you. 🙂
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Courtney -

Many thanks for this. It has always been a specific goal in my writing not to "talk down" to kids, so it pleases me a great deal to know that you were aware of that. I think working as a teacher helped me in that regard . . . it gave me a sense of how smart kids really are that not all adults have.

Your words about the books helping you to feel part of something bigger go straight to my heart. I couldn't ask for a better affirmation of what I am trying to do.

Thanks for taking the time to tell me what the books meant to you.

All best,

Deann from USA wrote on June 23, 2013
My boys (ages 5 and 8) love your Moongobble and Me series. I have read them too many times to count over the last three years. We are curious if you are planning on writing anymore in the series. We think they are wonderful.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Deann -

So pleased that your boys are enjoying the "Moongobble and Me" stories. My wife (who illustrated) and I had so much fun creating them, so it's good to know that others are having fun reading them!

I've got more ideas for Moongobble stories but, alas, it seems my publisher has moved on to other things.

You might want to try the SPACE BRAT books. It's science fiction rather than fantasy, but written at exactly the same level, and with some really hilarious illustrations by my wife.


Aubrey Sellman from Lawton, Oklahoma USA wrote on June 20, 2013
Thank you for emailing me!!!! When school starts I'll talk with my librarian and see if we could start a fundraiser!!! If we get enough I'll see you there!!!!!!!!!
Aubrey out!!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Very cool! Fingers crossed, Aubrey.

Julia from Sierra Vista, Arizona USA wrote on June 14, 2013
Do you have any writing power songs? Any songs that inspire you and make you want to sit down and write?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Julia -

Nope, not really.

Also, I can't listen to anything with lyrics when I'm actually writing. However I often play classical music while I work.

Amnesia from spokane, washington USA wrote on June 12, 2013
Dear Bruce,
Do you want a video recording of the unicorn cronicles play when its done?
Your #1 fan,
Reply by Bruce Coville
Would love one! Thanks, Amnesia.

Amnesia from spokane, washington USA wrote on June 10, 2013
Thank you Bruce! All of my friends told me to also say thank you for letting us do a play! now... All I have to do is write it... :)! I love to write!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Have a fabulous time!!