Welcome to the Guestbook!

I’m always eager to read your comments about my books and stories, so please feel free to pitch in. Here are a few things for you to know:

1) I answer the messages here personally.

2) No message shows up here until I actually answer it to prevent spam and other inappropriate postings. So there will sometimes be a delay before your message posts, especially if I am traveling.

3) Teachers, a gentle request: Please do not have multiple children send me variants of the same message. A group email is much easier to respond to and not such a drain on my time. My thanks in advance for being alert to this.

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937 entries.
Zaynah Folawiyo from Lagos, Lagos Nigeria wrote on February 23, 2013
I love your book my teacher is an alien. You came to aisl to see 3rd grade students and I am one of them. I really like the good writing ideas you have.
Yours truly, Zaynah
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Zaynah -

I had a great time visiting your school! I'm glad you enjoyed my presentation. You guys were a blast to talk to.

Judy from Boston, MA USA wrote on February 23, 2013
Hi Bruce,
I just finished reading Almost October last night and loved it! As an adult (a couple years younger than you) my guilty pleasure is reading kids books. This is one of the best I've read in quite a while. Thank you for writing such a great story.
p.s. I'm originally from Rochester, NY - nice to know someone from my neck of the woods is such a great author. Please keep writing!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Judy -

Oh, many thanks for this! Always October is very new, so I'm really delighted to get feedback on it. So pleased to know that you enjoyed it.

Glad you want me to keep writing, as I have every intention of doing so! ;>

2/29/2 from 25 USA wrote on February 22, 2013
i want to be a author when i grow up, in fact,i'm trying to be one now.But people say i won't and can't do it.what shold i say/do??
2/29/2 in 25
Reply by Bruce Coville
Lots of people will tell you what you can't do. That is no reason to give up!

You didn't tell me much, I don't know your age, or if you will even see this, since you did not give an email address for a response notification. Would need more details to give a more complete answer.

Ray from heber springs, AR. USA wrote on February 22, 2013
I like your book they're really cool I like how on "I LEFT MY SNEAKERS IN DIMENSION X" is full of funny random stuff I didn't like much books until I started reading yours. You rock and I'm doing a reading fair project on the book I mentioned.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Ray -

Glad you enjoyed SNEAKERS. That really is one of my weirdest stories. I had a blast writing it because I could go so many weird places with it. Good luck with your reading project!

Laura Nicely from Lagos, Nigeria wrote on February 22, 2013
Hey Bruce,
How could you write My teacher is an Alien as if you were a young girl in 6th grade so well? It must be so hard. Do you cracking codes if you had the key? I love to.
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Laura -

I'm glad you think that Susan's first person narration in MY TEACHER works so well. I was a teacher for a long time, and I paid very close attention to the kids in my classes. All that observation paid off when it came time to write the book. That's one of the main things a writer must do . . . watch people at all times.

Laura Nicely from Lagos, Nigeria wrote on February 22, 2013
Hi Mr. Coville,
How do you get inspired about the fantasy part of your books? Do your ideas only come from the real world or dreams? Do you sometimes get scared about the reviews for your books?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Laura -

Much of the fantasy in my books is inspired by endless reading of myth, legend, folklore, and fairy tales.

I don't generally get ideas from dreams, though I do get them from the time I am drifting off to sleep, or coming out of sleep.

Reviews don't generally scare me, though they sometimes annoy me! ;>

Sara from Washington, DC, USA wrote on February 22, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
I just wanted to send a special thank you for being such an inspiration to me growing up. I have always loved your stories, and the first book I remember my parents reading to me was Sarahs Unicorn. This book has always been special to me, since my name is Sara too, and I always imagined myself in the main characters shoes with a friend like Oakhorn. I remember even writing him letters too, that I would leave in the kitchen, hoping he would somehow read them. In retrospect, it was silly, but my parents would often play along and write back as "Oakhorn the Unicorn," leaving the messages for me to find. I couldn't figure out how a unicorn could write letters with no hands, but attributed it to magic until I eventually realized that I recognized the handwriting... Go figure... ha ha. It WAS magic while it lasted though, and inspired me to start writing my own stories for fun.
When I was a little older, I read all the Space Brat books, as well as the My Teacher is an Alien series. I still have all the originals, and I practically devoured them when they were new. I have very fond memories of sitting in my room after I was supposed to be asleep, reading them. Plus, my brother loved them too!
Now that I am a "grown-up," (which is a relative term- I fear I will never completely be one) I am working in the science writing and communication fields, but would love to write a great fantasy or sci-fi novel one day too! ^_^
I hope you continue writing, and although I am no longer a little girl, I feel I will always enjoy your stories because they keep us young at heart. I will be sure to keep an eye out for new things from you. I'm so glad I found this site to tell you!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Dear Sara -

My deep thanks for this lovely message, and my deep apologies for not replying sooner. When you sent this I was on a speaking tour in Africa, and I am still catching up with all the desk/mail/email that I let slide while I was traveling.

I cannot tell you how much I love the thought of you writing letters to Oakhorn and of your parents providing replies. (Some mighty fine parenting going on there!)

Later this week I'll be performing a version of "Sarah's Unicorn" with Author's Readers Theatre (ART) a four person group created by the great children's author Avi. I wish you could be there to hear it.

Don't worry about the "grown up" thing - as long as you keep a child's heart alive in you it's all right. (I speak from experience.) And I wish you the very best of luck with your own writing. May you create something wonderful and well-loved!

With my very best wishes,

osenke ohiwerei from lagos, lagos nigeria wrote on February 21, 2013
bruce coville you are my favorite author i go to aisl have you met the librarian ms. riley she is very nice. do you like our school do you like lagos which is your favorite book you have written i have so many questions!
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Osenke -

I'm delighted to know I am your favorite author!

I liked being in your school very much.

Laura Nicely from Lagos, Nigeria wrote on February 21, 2013
Dear Mr. Coville,
Today you went to my school (AISL) and I wanted to thank you for that. You know Grace in 5th grade, right? Well, she's my friend. I have always wanted to write books, but I'm too scared to show anyone. Can you help?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Laura -

I was delighted to visit AISL. And, yes, I exchanged many messages with Grace.

As to your books and stories - you need to find one good friend that you can trust to share them with.

Grace from Lagos, You know where wrote on February 21, 2013
Where are you going next?
Reply by Bruce Coville
Hi, Grace -

My next stop was Abuja, then Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, then home to the states!